Sunday, June 22, 2008

Here goes...

I am probably a little crazy for deciding to start a blog spot, but I figured it would be a great way to update family and friends about our exciting life. John and I are working full time and going to school... yes, I sometimes can't believe it either! You can definately say that we are always busy. There is never a dull moment! But, through all of it, we are enjoying life. We are constantly amazed with Tristyn everyday. She just celebrated her 2nd birthday on May 16th.

Tristyn started swim lessons two weeks ago, and is loving it! She asks to go under the water now. I thought I would never here her ask that! She is also in gymnastics. She is such a busy girl!

1 comment:

Its ME said...

Tristyn is a smart girl to ask for water and she shall grow to be a healthy one too, if she also learn about water cure protocol.
I like to share with your family my blog here

Let your friends know too about the water cure protocol have saved many people from sufferings prolonged dehydration diseases.
Bye, from It Me , at Singapore.