So, I have not posted in quite a few months now. I will get into the swing of this soon... I promise!
Well, God has definately been working in our lives the past couple months.
We are starting to look at places to rent now. Our lease is up at the end of October, and I am getting very excited to see where God will place us next. Tristyn is going through a rough time... I am just calling it the "terrible two's", which means that it will not last long... hopefully! She is loving her new Preschool teachers, Mrs. Nutter and Miss Melita. She has made a couple new friends since the summer, Maddie and Annalyn are the two I hear about alot... I mean ALOT!! John is still in school full time. Only one more semester of SCC and he is done! We can't wait! I am not taking any classes this semester. Taking a litttle break. It was so stressfull with the two of us working full time, going to school and taking care of Tristyn. Way to much for us! But still, there is never a dull moment in our lives!
Over the past three months, John , Tristyn and I have been visiting First Baptist of Altamonte Springs Church. Yes, I still work at Trinity, and I love my job! But, God has been laying it on John's heart for a long... I mean LONG time now, about seeking out another Church for us as a family. Of course, I never agreed with him. I was stubborn, and very comfortable where we were at. I mean I have been going to Church at Trinity since I was 14. I wasn't ready to switch Churches!! A few months ago, I really felt it laid on my heart to start praying about the situation. Week after week, my heart softened to the thought of visiting another Church. The first Sunday at First Baptist Altamonte, God was speeking directly to John and I! Everything that we as a couple had been praying about was directly right in front of us. Week after week, we would continue to ask God to guide us where He would want us to go, and shut doors that He did not want us to enter. But, it was week after week that another door would open. More opportunities for John and I to serve, and to be apart of a Couples Life group (which is amazing, I might add), a men's bible study for John and a women's bible study for me, Awana's for Tristyn on Wednesday nights... the list goes on and on! And not to mention how many friendships we have made in such a short period of time. This goes to show us that we are exactly where God wants us to be as a family. We are so happy, and we are growing closer to God together, which is what we have been needing for a long time now. God has us right were He wants us!! Thank you Lord!